Build Your Own Rockbox
1. Get the source
Check out 'rockbox' from CVS (or extract a downloaded archive). You
want to check out 'rockbox-devel' instead if you want the simulator
code too (for trying out things on host before making target tests).
(For more information about the simulator, read UISIMULATOR.)
$ cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@rockbox.haxx.se:/cvsroot/rockbox login
$ cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@rockbox.haxx.se:/cvsroot/rockbox co rockbox
If you want to make a zip build you also need the fonts:
$ cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@rockbox.haxx.se:/cvsroot/rockbox co fonts
or you can download the complete source package with fonts and all from the daily build page and unpack it:
$ tar xzf rockbox.tar.gz
2. Create a build directory
Create a build directory, preferably in the same directory as the firmware/
and apps/ directories. This is where all generated files will be written.
$ cd rockbox
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
3. Run configure
In your build directory, run the 'tools/configure' script and enter what
target you want to build for and if you want a debug version or not (and a
few more questions). It'll prompt you. The debug version is for making a
gdb version out of it. It is only useful if you run gdb towards your target
$ ../tools/configure
ploink. Now you have got a Makefile generated for you.
(Whenever the tools/configure script gets updated, you might need to re-run it to get the latest build script features.)
4. Working PATH
Make sure you have sh-elf-gcc and siblings in the PATH. Make sure that you
have 'perl' in your PATH too.
$ which sh-elf-gcc
$ which perl
Or, If making for an Iriver player:
$ which m68k-elf-gcc
5. Build
note First you need to build the tools like so:
$ cd ../tools
$ make
$ cd ../build
Then run 'make' in the build dir and soon the necessary pieces from the firmware and the apps
directories have been compiled, linked and scrambled for you.
$ make
6. Install
Copy the archos.mod or ajbrec.ajz file to your archos, reboot it and smile. Recent Rockbox versions need no reboots, just PLAY a new rockbox version and that'll be loaded and replace the currently running version.
$ mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/archos
$ cp ajbrec.ajz /mnt/archos
$ umount /mnt/archos
Note that if you want a full install like if you modified something else than the main firmware file, we recommend this procedure:
$ make zip
$ unzip rockbox.zip [to your archos dir]
7. Multiple Versions
If you want to build for more than one target, just create several build
directories and create a setup for each target:
$ mkdir build-fmrecorder
$ cd build-fmrecorder
$ ../tools/configure
$ mkdir build-player
$ cd build-player
$ ../tools/configure
Revision r1.6 - 02 Sep 2005 - 14:52 GMT - ShacharLiberman
Copyright © 1999-2005 by the contributing authors.